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(2022_11) Never Split the Difference - Chris Voss


This book has plenty of useful tips for negotiation and introduces specific negotiation process. Instead of writing my opinion on this book, I think it's better to show the script introduced by the author.

  1. A "No"-oriented email question to reinitiate contact: "Have you given up on settling this amicably?"
  2. A statement that leaves only the answer of "That's right" to form a dynamic of agreement: "It seems that you feel my bill is not justified."
  3. Calibrated questions about the problem to get him to reveal his thinking: "How does this bill violate out agreement?"
  4. More "No"-oriented questions to remove unspoken barriers: "Are you saying I misled you?" "Are you saying I didn't do as you asked?" "Are you saying I reneged on our agreement?" or "Are you saying I failed you"
  5. Labeling and mirroring the essence of his answers if they are not acceptable so he has to consider them again: "It seems like you feel my work was subpar." Or "… my work was subpar?"
  6. A calibrated question in reply to any offer other than full payment, in order to get him to offer a solution: "How am I supposed to accept that?"
  7. If none of this gets an offer of full payment, a label that flatters his sense of control and power: "It seems like you are the type of person who prides himself on the way he does business – rightfully so – and has a knack for not only expanding the pie but making the ship run more efficiently."
  8. A long pause and then one more "No"-oriented question: "Do you want to be known as someone who doesn't fulfill agreement?"